Trading Analysis
HNT ranks moderately risky on the risk gauge. The gauge will be most useful to risk-averse traders who are looking to avoid (or add) risky investments.
The price of Helium is 5.44% lower over the last 24 hours, leading to its current value of $39.79. The change in price goes along with volume being below its average level while the coin’s market capitalization has risen during the same time period. During the past 24 hours, $4,188,809,591.31 worth of cryptocurrency has been traded, amounting to $34,138,973.59. Helium has an average risk analysis due to the volatility of its price in relation to volume changes and market cap changes.
As the coin’s price movement relative to its trading volume over the past day of trading has resulted in an average risk ranking, traders do not necessarily need to worry about the coin’s manipulability at this point.
Original Article can be found at; https://www.investorsobserver.com/news/crypto-update/helium-hnt-do-the-risks-outweigh-the-rewards-saturday